Tin Tin

Week four: the comic book

The Adventures of Tin Tin

by Hergé

In 1954's "Explorers on the Moon",  the characters fly in an atomic rocket and land on the surface of Earth's Moon. As of the time this comic was made, humans had not yet done so in real life. With Tin Tin being the first (even if it's just in this fictional story) to step foot on the moon was surely inspirational and fascinating to children and adults alike. While keeping the loose basis of reality and science, Hergé livens up the story with the charming characters as well as some entertaining villains that tag along for the adventure. Although the continuous potential danger is realistic, the tone never gets too serious, only more exciting. Personally, I much prefer when a comic maintains this friendly level of suspense. I find it off-putting when something that I seek entertainment in develops a darker tone unexpectedly. Another thing I enjoy about this week's reading, and something that I consistently enjoy with comics such as Tin Tin, is the character design and art style. The fun look and bold colors greatly enhance the adventurous reading experience.


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